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Welcome to my 3D junk fair! This is the place where you'll find all the stuff that I've modeled in 3D for the design of my house and garden - and I'm willing to share! Hooray!

Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2013

Water Tap

water tap
Ok, next one: a water tap. It's the one which you may already have recognized on the pictures I've posted before. It measures about 14x14x5cm and is modeled after the "HANSAFORM" by HANSA (even though not 100% accurate).

To model this one in FreeCad, I started with a design drawing, which I found on the internet. I found out, that for such fixtures, it's worth doing a google image search. It's likely that you'll find a dimensioned drawing which is perfect to use as a template. It might be worth giving it a try to use such a drawing, vectorize it using e.g. InkScape (a free vector graphics program, I'd recommend) and then import it to FreeCad to work with that. FreeCad's "Import"-feature offers to import "SVG as geometry". I'll probably try this some time. In case of this water tap, there are even DXF files available for download from the HANSA online product catalog, which - of course - could also be used for 3D-modeling. Anyway, I chose a different approach.

Luckily, my girlfriend and I share a taste for simple design, so we chose a tap which's design is a combination of basic geometries: squares and circles. For the 3D-model, this means that it could easily be constructed by combining cylinders and boxes. I took the sizes and positions for these from the drawing and quickly had the basic design. One detail which is hard to see on the picture above is, that the lever rests on a sphere, so that it can be tilted and turned on the base part. This means, the model can be seen as two parts: the base, consisting of two cylinders, a box and a sphere and the lever, which is one cylinder and a box. In order to allow tilt, the back end of the lever is beveled, which I modeled by cutting a box (placed with an angle) off the lever. The final work was to use FreeCad's fillet feature for the edges with different radiuses for soft and sharp edges.

For use in SweetHome3D, I did the same as with the towel rail. First, I exported from FreeCad to .obj, then imported to SweetHome3D and exported again. After that, I modified the material file to use the mirror material for a chrome look and finally again did an import and export via SweetHome3D to get a clean .obj and .mtl.

I spent some time to get the picture on top of this post, because, when I tried to simply put  the tap into a new SweetHome3D project and then make a photo, that didn't look good because it was to "flat" and boring. Also, the contrast between the tap and the background of the scene was poor, because the tap is a mirror but there is nothing which could reflect on it. The trick I ended up with, was to put the tap onto a glass plate, which causes some reflection that helps making the scene a bit more interesting. I you need a simple glass cube, which you can scale as you like, you can download it here.

The tap can be downloaded here.

Donnerstag, 6. Juni 2013


Basin 60x27x13

Basin 40x41x13

These are two variants of a wash hand basin. If you'd like to have something similar for your bathroom, go to IKEA and look for Lillangen. The first one measures 60x27x13cm, the other one 40x41x13cm.

Both are mainly made of boxes. The outer shape of the basin is a box with the dimensions as said before. Then, I made boxes with the size of the reservoir and tray (for the second basin) and cut them from the boxes created before. After that, extensively using the fillet feature in FreeCad, I gave the basins the soft ceramic-look. The sink overflow is a cylinder, also cut from the rest. The sink with it's beveled border is the only thing which is a bit more complex. You could for example first cut a flat cone (inverted, of course) from the basin's bottom to get the beveled border and then cut a cylinder to make a hole. I didn't have that idea, but instead made a part shaped like the hole including the bevel and then cut that one from the basin. To make that part, I used the Draft view in FreeCad and draw a half-profile of the part. Let me show you a screenshot:
Screenshot: half-profile of the sink
Then, I used the revolve function to make a part for the sink. The latest version of FreeCad has improved the revolve function, so that you can select an edge of the shape which you'd like to revolve as the revolve axis, which is very useful! After revolving, the part looks like this:
Screenshot: revolved sink part
The only thing which was left for me to finish the basins was then to use the revolved sink part and cut it from the basins bottom.

Last, I exported from FreeCad to an .obj file, imported that to SweetHome3D, set the color to white and glossy and exported again to .obj to get a clean file and a .mtl for it. The renderings on top of this post were also made using SweetHome3D (use the 3D-view settings to turn lights down a little when rendering only single objects, otherwise they'll get so bright that no contours are visible any more).

Here's what the basin looks in action:
Wash hands basin for a toilet along with other furniture (lighting is not perfect again - sorry...)
If you'd like to use these objects in your own project, for example in SweetHome3D, you can download them here.